Systematic Curriculum Delivery - Three Levels of Planning

Springfield Lakes State School uses the three levels of planning to:
- align (vertically and horizontally) curriculum, pedagogy, assessment and reporting of the Australian Curriculum;
- monitor progress towards school improvement priorities;
- quality assure the curriculum provision for all students;
- ensure resource allocation supports the stated vision and priorities; and
- share the school's plan for curriculum delivery with parents/carers and the wider school community.
All teachers manage risks in school curriculum activities to ensure the safety of students by utilising the Curriculum Activity Risk Assessment (CARA) process to ensure risks and hazards of are identified, assessed and controlled.
Whole school approach to differentiated teaching and learning
A whole school approach to support student learning caters for the learning needs of all students. At Springfield Lakes State School, teachers respond to the diverse learning needs of their students by identifying differentiated teaching and learning in all three levels of planning.

This ensures that every student is supported to access and participate in the curriculum leading to continuous improvement in student achievement. Particular learning needs for individual students will be identified and addressed through the process for ICPs and/or PLPs. Ensuring that all student needs are identified and how support needs will be suitably provided will be negotiated during the collaborative planning process.